Sunday, October 7, 2012

Worry No More

Problems are definitely a part of our lives. We cannot get it out of the equation. It's life constant. Have you heard or met somebody not having one? I doubt. We all have it. Family problems, something related to work, emotional problems, etc. They're too many to enumerate. I've had my fair share of everything too, and it was not easy. It wouldn't be easy.

Sometimes, facing them requires a lot of effort, what more if we try to surpass them, right? So here are some ways that I assume might help, in no particular order. *wink*

1. Acknowledge the situation you're facing.
  •  Whatever you are going through, acknowledge that you are really going through it. It's the first step to acceptance.
2. Take action.
  • Stop sulking in bed. Get your ass working. Nothing's going to happen if you're just going to mourn over the problem.
3. Cry it out.
  • Yes, you may bury yourself in bed and wet your pillows for a couple of days but after that, promise yourself that you are not going to be like this everyday. Again, refer to advice number 2.
4. Smile.
  • Smiling changes everything. Start your day by smiling and tell yourself that everything's going to be fine. Believe me, it works.
5. Pray. A lot.
  • I am the type of person who vents out my problem to God. If there's someone whom I can talk to about anything, I know it's Him. He will give us what's best for us, not what we think is the best for us and He will listen, regardless of who we are or what we have done wrong throughout our lives.
6. Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Optimistic people can bring the bright side out of a negative situation. They can turn the bad upside down. You're just going to be tripping over the same thing if you're with the people who don't see the good in the bad, the bright point in the dark.
7. Walk without looking back so you won't remember why you're running away in the first place.

  • Throwing yourself in that situation just brings all the pain and anxiety back. Just keep on walking. Eyes straight ahead. Focus on the intervention you are making.
8. Divert your attention.
  • It's normal to think about it. Your mind will totally recall all the gory details. But I am telling you, you don't have to entertain the thoughts. Don't run after thoughts because you can get them off your mind. Remember: it is the mind that controls everything. You want something out of your mind, instruct your brain to do so. Again, refer to advice number 2.
9. Make a decision.

  • You should make a decision and stand firmly with it. Nothing can be solved if you won't make up your mind. Make a decision and tell yourself, "No U-turns now."

And when all is said and done, here's what I do in times like this: I read a lot. I installed a lot of e-books in my Ipod touch and I read everytime I start feeling down. You know, just to divert attention. And I pray when it starts to hit me again. God surely does know what we need. He never breaks a promise so I am very certain that this too, shall pass.


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